The Dwelling Place is an independent Charitable Incorporated Organisation (1164606)
whose registered address is The Sarum Hill Centre, Sarum Hill, Basingstoke RG21 8SR.
Relationship breakdown is the main reason people give for losing their home but is there more to the story? Some factors and experiences can make people more vulnerable to homelessness: these include Job loss, poor physical health, mental health problems, alcohol and drugs issues, bereavement, experience of care, and experience of the criminal justice system.
the average cost of an A&E visit is £147; 4 out of 10 experiencing homelessness have used A&E in last six month
£1,668 is the average cost per arrest; 7 out of 10 homeless ex-offenders are reconvicted within one year
£26, 000 is the estimated average cost of a homeless person each year to public purse £1 billion is the estimated annual cost of homelessness